I am a scientist... pretending to be one at least. I feel i haven t been fair toward my new first lady Carla Bruni-Sarkozy. I shouldn´t be bad to her. She is the first lady of my birth country. I should be respectfull...I should be a good citizen and respect the wife of the president of my birth country...Oh What the hell...She doesn´t have any real position. She is not even an official role by the law or the constitution and i am french and its means that i am nasty and grumpy by the genes.
In this post, i have decided to make a comparative study between the first lady of France and the one of the great country of Iceland, my adoptive country. There is matiere for this. A lot of similaritudes.
In fact the actual president of Iceland, is in his second mariage. He first wife sadly passed away few in 1998 and he got maried 2 years later with Dorrit Moussaieff, an Israeli woman based in London. So we have 2 president in activity. Taking new wives. Let´s compare them.

Carla Sarkozy and her husband the President

Dorrit Moussaief and her husband the President
Both of the wives are from a foreign country. Israel/UK for Dorrit and Italia for Carla. I guess both Nicolas and Ólafur are aware of and apply the famous saying: Don´t dip your pen in the ink of the office /Don´t eat where you shit....In other words don´t date.. don´t marry ... don´t do someone on your workplace or from your workplace. So for a president...take someone from abroad. Thus they are both wise men.
Both of the PRSW (President´s wive), have link with judaism. Dorrit is jewish. Carla is not but recently she clamed that the news paper in France, who were not very nice with her and her new husband were collaborationist news paper, as the one of the WWII, who were denunciating the jew. Carla position herself as a victim like during the second world war.
Both of the PRSW, have husband with 3 voyelles. Nicolas and Ólafur. Carla even did a song about it... no wait a minute...She did a song about her ex-husband Raphael, with whom she has had a child, ex-husband with whom she started to date when she was dating his father. Anyway...Carla wrote a song about her ex-husband Raphael. Carla is told to be a good song writter. Her talent slidly dropped when she started to date Nicolas. She is right know finishing her next album (two were not enought...Carla decided to make bleed our ears one more time). Some information leeked from her next album and apparently there is a song named " t´es ma cam" "
you are my dop" in english. This song is told to be dedicated to Nicolas, her husband. Dorrit didn´t write a song. Is not know to have released album, but she could be known for her good word and has shown by the past that she knew how to use a verb and a noun as for example when she gave an interview to RUV, after the little Israel incident. Talking about Israel and Middle east here is another common trait between the two PRSW.
They both shouldn´t have gone to middle east. Dorrit, first got in trouble when she try to leave Israel with her Icelandic passport, she got stuck and kept in the custom for at least 3 hours, if i remenber right. Small diplomatic incident. Jailing a first lady because she didn´t use her israeli passport how she should have. Was some kind of mistake. Carla, her, made also a mistake to go to middle east, when she decided to visit Petra, in Jordania with her boyfriend at this time Nicolas. Bad tast mistake. Indeed, Petra, had received the visit of the ex-wife of the French President when she was on the run with her lover. At this time the ex-first lady Cecilia, her husband were having some kind of mariage troubles. They separated for a while. Got back together just before he ran for president. Anyway... big mistake from Carla to have been to Petra, the news paper (the collaborationist ones), immediatly made the link between Cecilia and Carla. Same thing for the ring that Sarkozy gave to her...She was previously own by his ex-wife.
At this point of my post... if you feel that i am not fair to Carla... you are right. I am not.
Dorrit went to India with her husband the President of Iceland. Carla her didn´t. When her husband to be visited India last January, she didn´t go. She couldn´t. India doesn´t give status to the hook up /girlfriend of presidents. Meanwhile people were speculating if Carla would or not go for an unofficial visit to India, and especially meet her boyfriend, Nicolas at the Taj-Mahal. It didn´t happen. Carla called the press and announced officially that She will "not go to spend the afternoon in India"... Yes...she is that kind of personne who see a trip to India as a trip to a shopping mall. "no no... i am not going to the mall this afternoon"
Here is few picture from India.

Very Classy.
Here is the one of Sarkozy. Looking at it... i seriously think that Carla should have spend the afternoon over there. This picture look so bad.

Carla and Dorrit are both women of the world, cosmopolite. Dorrit has shown at numerous occasions that she could handle the presure of mondanities, such as the time she went to a royal wedding alone in Danemark. Absolutely astoning, glamourous and classy she represented Iceland as it should be.

Carla is also a woman of the world...in some way...She has been all around to not say that the world has been all around her. Mike Jagger, Donald Trump, Eric Clapton, Louis Bertignac, Jean-Jacque Goldman, Florent Pagny, Christopher Thompson, Vincent Perez, Charles Berling, Kevin Kostner, Arno Karlsfled, Paul Enthoven (father), Raphael Enthoven (Son, She has a strong sense of family) Laurent Fabius (Left wing Politician) and the last one Nicolas Sarkozy (rigth wing politician, Carla has also a strong political sense)...So has you can see, she has been all around the World or the world has been all over her.
Dorrit and Carla have the same boots. See the following picture for proof.

Talking about boot, Carla is know to carry them very well. One pair this is only what she need to wear. She did a couple of hot picture on a coach.

Dorrit her is much more difficult. She has a small taste for flashy and feline like outfit. Unfortunately for us, Dorrit is not that easy to get undressed. I am sure that you would need much more than a pair of boots to get her naked on your coach. But still if you are a bit nasty and google her with the right word, you might found some interesting picture, such as this one.

Yes... you can see... a little piece of shoulder ....Hot isnt´it ?
Okey i know, this is not much. Nothing to fear. Nothing to trigger the hormons of a horny teenager. This is the only thing that i got when i google "
Dorrit naked".
Meanwhile, if you google "
Carla naked", you hit the jackpot and if you are a teenager well your hormons also hit the jackpot. Here a little of example of what you can find about her. (with red socks)

Both of the PRSW have a taste for design glasses...

If Dorrit was a Spice Girl, she will probably be the Sporty one (here is some proof), Mel C.

Dorrit doing some Icelandic Wrestling

Dorrit, water Skiing. She is very much into watersport.
If Carla was a Spice Girl, she will also be the Sporty one. Here is a picture of her, wrestling. kinda

Here, Carla ready to go horse back riding.

And carla is also into watersport

or ready to play tennis

Both if the president wives are good to deal with animals. Dorrit showed her strengh during her visit of the Fish Festival in Dalvík, in the North of Iceland.

Carla her, have to deal everyday with the French president. Carla has also a pussy "chatte", a femal cat in the strich sense of the definition... and she loves to show it

Dorrit is really appreciated by Icelanders. Carla was by french people, at least they were buying her album. I did. I have to confess this. It was a compulsive act. I liked her song. Now whenever i hear some of her song. I am having cutaneous reaction. You might think, reader that this is not possible, i am in Iceland, well just go to Kaffitar... and you will see. You could have the chance to hear her. Personally, i am trying to not take the risk. I have enough of cutaneous reaction due to my daily allergy. I have medication again my allergy. Not yet again Carla Bruni.
Anyway. This is time to conclude this comparative study.
If you have reach this point and read my lines, you might have seen that i have been unfair with Carla and you are right. But this is not my fault. I am just analyzing the facts. This is not my fault if Carla has a strong tendancy to be naked or misbehaving. Dorrit her is not naked on google, and does not misbehave. There is a lot of questionable point about Carla. Dorrit not so much. Dorrit, behave as a first lady should be. Carla just misbehave and i do so but i am no first lady...at least not yet :-) and if i was one... i would like to be Dorrit.

Carla and Nicolas leaving a plane

Ólafur and Dorrit leting a plane leave.