In my younger days, (I am almost 25, yes i can say this), i was a great fan of the calendar "Les Dieux du Stade".(Gods of the Stadium) Indeed, I spent hours watching time goes by... and waited days to reach the end of the month, in order to discover another God of the Stadium. For those who don´t know it...or don´t remenber it (Gods forgive you) here is a small "florilège" of what they are doing.

So there is here a certain style....the male flesh exposed...the exquisite tensed muscles...the tentation of the skins...All what you need to be a good sinner. As i was.... As i am ..Anyway.. this is not all time about me.
Many people say that our actual century is going to be the one seeing the return of the Religious...One of those people is for example the actual french president, Nicolas Sarkozy, the man that has been married two times and on its way to his third wedding with a french starlette /ex model / potential trophet wife / first lady....He might be really believe in the sacred part of the marriage thing. Anyway... He is one of them... believing in the return of the religious... he is even thinking about reconsidering the whole laicity thing in France. I personnaly think that he is wrong but.. that only engage me...I only see this little.. religious wave... as something fashion... and somehow as the last good kick before death.. just like when your hamster was getting better after having behaved strange for fews days... Just before he dies..... or go lives in a farm so far away that you couldn t visit him....The last kick before death
Church and especially the catholic one is really believe in its come back.Like Samantha Fox did once.....Actively working on getting people back on their knees praying for an eventual divine salvation...
Wait a minute.. what are the link between this and the beguining of this post....
As i have mentionned... Church is working hard on the subject... and the church is not clueless..The Church knows that the world of 2008 is not the one of 1000....We have had fashion magasin since then ! and science of course ......
So in this beguining of year 2008, the church more or less release a calendar..."similar" to the one of the rugbymen... Reader.. if you ever exist don t expect to see noons getting naked and pseudo lesbianism.... Reader... if you exist...remember that the Church cherish the male body...Look at the Exposure of the flesh jesus on the cross...The naked truth somehow...
As i have mentionned... Church is working hard on the subject... and the church is not clueless..The Church knows that the world of 2008 is not the one of 1000....We have had fashion magasin since then ! and science of course ......
So in this beguining of year 2008, the church more or less release a calendar..."similar" to the one of the rugbymen... Reader.. if you ever exist don t expect to see noons getting naked and pseudo lesbianism.... Reader... if you exist...remember that the Church cherish the male body...Look at the Exposure of the flesh jesus on the cross...The naked truth somehow...
Anyway.. here is an example of what some photographer did them for this year 2008..

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