Wednesday 5 March 2008

Yet another carb relapse !!!

Some people fight poverty, fight for the environment, fight for human rights, for women´s right, for peace...fighting for a juste cause is quite often a very personal experience. People fighting for women´s right are usually feminist, poverty by ex poor people...hunger by starving people... no wait that does not work... i haven´t seen Kate Moss distributing rice in Africa...No wait... i got it now... this is like sympathetic pain....but for starving... This is sympathetic starving She is not eating til all kid in Africa get food ! How kind...


I personally fight carbs.... i know... this is might be a selfish fight but Well Hell !!! I have to pick my fight... i am not a woman.... i am not poor...and ALLO ... obviously not starving...So i fight Carbs...Yet once again another lost cause you could... Well Hell ... you are right !!! i have been relapsing again ...and again ... and again ...Hell is paved of carbs !!! not good intention... CARBS !!! They have been lying to us all time long... the people making that kind of stupide expression !!! Hell is paved of carbs... remember it people !!!

Once again i have relapsed... Once again.. a subway... a pizza... a McDonald...chocolate...Name it .. i have eaten it...

I don´t have any self control... i can´t resit.. i am weak.... I can´t even join my local CarbH(e)ater anonymous group... i am far to known for this... there is nothing anonymous left about my carb addiction ! Nothing... i should get my star in the walk of Famous Carbs Eater... among Roseanne...Queen Latifa...John Goodman and Jjacky Sardou. I am a famous Carb Eater and i can´t help it... this is not uncomon that people welcome me with a nachos pack... and as a very polite i accept it. You are not turn down nachos when there are politely offered !!! you just do not do this.

Anyway i have decided to take an historical stand.... i am going to turn my back to Carb and leave them behind....Poor Carbs i know.. But they will not get me back.. not this time... not time time... In the past... i already turned my back to carbs... i already gave them up... but they got me back. God damned... i try to escape... i fought back...But the got me back.. again and again...

I have tried very hard...on the beguning of january this year .. i took a really strong decision...Historical decision...winning my fight against Carb... and being hot and gorgeous for my 25th birthday... with sharp abs, breath taking ass, hot thighs and killing chest !!! God Damned i am gonna be hot...Anyway i had a good start and... february came .. and Carbs got me back.... i went back all way down... missed the gym... missed waterpolo trainning...went in the same day to subway...and McDonald and got a big fish burger with big french fries and milkshake... All the way down all the way down....


Today i have decided that i will fight back... i am not gonna give up my superficial birthday dream... i am gonna win this fight against carb.... it might be tears and stomach pain but i will kick away carbs and look good... no more chubby Virgile welcome the carb free one !!! Today i went to the gym this morning ....had a healthy lunch (that was an easy one.. i mean... this is healthy as soon as i don´t eat my daily mayonese shrimp sandwich).... and didn´t snack..and had salad for dinner and went to waterpolo....I already feel my gorgeousness bursting under my carb layers.....

Well Hell

I am gonna be a sympathetic starver !!!

This could be me in may !!!

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